Mobile apps penetration tests

How do we conduct testing?

We conduct testing based on, among other things, the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide.

We have our own laboratory equipped with various types of Android smartphones and iOS iPhones.

We conduct tests based on, among others, the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide .

Tests are performed manually by pentesters because we know from experience that automatic tests are loaded with a large number of false positives.

Tool to be used for testing

  • Burp Suite Professional,
  • Recon-ng,
  • Android Mobile Studio,
  • Mobile Security Framework (MobSF),
  • Xcode,
  • Frida,
  • House – Mobile Analysis Platform.

Source code analysis

We also analyze the source code of mobile applications for maintenance costs, code quality assessment, identification and occurrence of vulnerabilities directly in the code.