Our specialists will answer your questions and work with you to tailor solutions perfectly suited to your needs. Service pricing is matched to your organization's size and requirements.
Account number (PLN): ING Bank Śląski S.A. 02 1050 1416 1000 0090 3078 2511
Account number (USD): ING Bank Śląski S.A. 04 1050 1416 1000 0090 8168 5456
Katowice ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 8/6 40-064 KatowicePOLAND
Prudnik ul. Prężyńska 17 48-200 PrudnikPOLAND
Cybersecurity and data protection. Penetration, social engineering and performance tests. Security audits and trainings. Authorized OffSec partner in Poland.