Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)

A team of vCISO experts is an unprecedented advantage over any, even the best, security chief.

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)

A team of vCISO experts is an unprecedented advantage over any, even the best, security chief.

Expert knowledge at your fingertips!

Our team of experts has been building comprehensive information security programs for many years.

Essential in our work is to improve the security level without slowing down the development of products or services and reducing the comfort of work.
Wirtualny Szef Bezpieczeństwa (vCISO)

What is vCISO?

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is a service that provides access to expert knowledge, ideal for organizations that need support in ensuring cybersecurity and data protection.

Our specialists take care of security without disrupting the development of your business. 

We have been providing vCISO services to companies and public institutions for years, adapting our activities to individual needs.

Benefits of the vCISO service

kompleksowa ochrona

Comprehensive protection

Even the most experienced security manager cannot have as broad knowledge as a team of specialists. 

It's honestly impossible because the complexity of security issues requires the cooperation of different experts who complement each other. Only a team can provide adequate support for the data and system protection.
nieprzerwane wsparcie

Uninterrupted support

A team of specialists ensures business continuity and access to support at any time. You can count on experts with extensive experience in organizational, process, technical, and product security. 

Thanks to this, you can be sure that someone will always be available to help you solve problems and protect your organization.
stabilność i ciągłość ochrony

Stability and continuity of protection

The vCISO service provides stability and continuity in terms of security. 

We are passionate about this area, and our commitment stems from a true passion for data protection. We work with dedication because we love what we do, which ensures the highest quality of services.

What do you get as part of the service?

Security Services
Cybersecurity Testing
doradztwo vciso
We offer advice on the best protective measures selection, ensuring the optimal price-quality ratio and successful identification of key security gaps - elimination of these gaps is crucial to make informed decisions.

We know the cybersecurity solutions available on the market inside out, including privileged account monitoring, shadow IT, data leak prevention, and BYOD security.

Thanks to our knowledge, you will save hundreds of hours implementing solutions and testing Proof-of-Concept.
wsparcie vciso
We support the Data Protection Officer, helping to analyze and implement appropriate personal data protection measures. We provide these services, which allow us to give verified advice.

We also support the CTO/CIO, implementing tools for supervising the source code security, such as Secret scanning, SCA, SAST/DAST, and Compliance checks.

We offer opinions on customer requests regarding technical and organizational security measures, ensuring compliance with the highest security standards.
Usługi Bezpieczeństwa vciso
We offer support in developing a security architecture, using existing and new tools tailored to your organization's needs. 

Our specialists deal with the full range of security issues, including the protection of cloud systems. 

We help create documentation, procedures, and instructions, that combine technical security with formal requirements (compliance) resulting from a security audit, ensuring full compliance with regulations.
Testy Cyberbezpieczeństwa vicso
We offer the possibility of conducting social engineering tests using various methods adapted to different user groups, which allows for a comprehensive assessment of security awareness in the organization.

Regularly, at least once a month, we perform scans for known vulnerabilities, providing a detailed report with recommendations that help to implement the necessary changes and strengthen the protection of systems.
We offer cybersecurity training that helps build (security awareness). 

In recent years, we have trained several thousand people, helping companies increase security and minimize the risk of incidents. 

Thanks to our training, your employees will be better prepared to deal with cyber threats.

How does the vCISO service work?

How does
the vCISO service work?

cena vciso

What is the price of vCISO?

The cost of the Virtual Security Chief service is calculated individually for each organization. 

It consists of, among others:
- size and complexity of the organization,
- the number of devices covered by the project in your network,
- number of contracted support hours.

Based on our experience, the price ranges from PLN 4,000 to PLN 9,000, which is a fair offer. You only pay for what you need!

With a repeatable scope of work, it is possible to reduce costs going further, as this reduces the need for re-analysis and needs assessment.
The first step is always to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your organization. 

Based on the results, you will receive an assessment of the initial state, giving fundamental knowledge to create a specific action plan.

After agreeing on a plan, vCISO performs tasks in parallel or a predetermined order in cooperation with designated people.

The work is performed in teams whose competencies correspond to the specialists involved, both on your and the vCISO side.
praca vciso

How does the vCISO service work?

dla kogo jest vciso

Who is the vCISO service for?

The vCISO service is ideal for organizations of all sizes that want to build or improve security.

If you need support in this area, vCISO will provide you with the necessary expert knowledge.

It is also a suitable solution for organizations that want to optimize costs, by avoiding high salaries for full-time Chief Security Officers while benefiting from the experience and support of an external team of experts.

Wondering what will be best for your organization?

Contact Us!
 - we'll help.
Cybersecurity and data protection.
Penetration, social engineering and performance tests. Security audits and trainings. 
Authorized OffSec partner in Poland.
© 2024

Stay safe with us.
+48 570 450 695
+48 512 669 907
Efigo Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 8/6
40-064 Katowice

VAT No: PL9542760427